All of us are called to be in ministry as God’s disciples. For those of us that God has blessed with the stewardship of a business, God wants us to use the unique abilities, resources, and relationships He has given us to serve Him and His kingdom.
In my speaking presentations, I will help you see how your talents, passions, and interests are the foundation of the purpose for which God has created you. I will also help you discover “What is your ‘why?’” and be in ministry right where you are – in and through the business that God has entrusted to you, to His glory!
Topics include:
- The Heart of Business – Our heart matters most to God, and at the core of our hearts are our motives. Learn how to align your motives with God’s will in a manner that propels your actions to become of eternal value while you live out your God-breathed purpose.
- The Excellent Path – Living in alignment with God’s will is a thrilling and fulfilling journey. This presentation will help you achieve clarity about your calling in life and business and show you how to follow the path that God has created for you.
- Leadership by the Book – God creates leaders and calls us to be His good and faithful servants. God’s holy word provides principles of leadership and God enable us to confidently apply them to what He is calling us to be and do.
- Destination Known…But How is Your Journey Going? – Every Christian knows their ultimate destination, but the journey of life presents many challenges in addition to its’ opportunities. Learning how to become an able navigator enables us to journey with peace and joy no matter what the changing winds and waves of life and business may present along the way.
What the experts are saying about Jeff’s speaking…
Jeff Swan
Managing Director, Commerce Street Capital
When Jeff Holler took the stage at the ValMark Global Gift Fund conference in Orlando, Florida, I was blown away by his confident, engaging, and professional presentation about the way small microloans are transforming millions of lives in the poorest parts of the world. Jeff created and designed a special set for the stage to capture our attention and imagination, which invited the audience to lean forward to listen to the story of a poor entrepreneur he met in Mexico who was climbing out of poverty and lifting his family up with him into a sustainable business-oriented lifestyle filled with the pride of accomplishment and hope for the future. I noticed everyone in the audience around me was devoting themselves to Jeff’s presentation, and like me, they were inspired to take action. He was neither too formal nor too casual. He was empathetic, not preachy; nor did he apologize for the intense nature of his subject – what he had to say was too important.
Ali Nasser
CEO, AltruVista, LLC & Business Owners Fund
Jeff only knows how to speak from the heart. His passion for his work, purpose, and calling exude in his presentations and create a sense of comfort and authenticity to his audience. Seeing work that Jeff was doing in microfinance and mission projects helped inspire me to take action, inevitably leading my personal journey to multiple ground-level charity projects. Jeff is a wonderful friend and a collaborative business leader. I hold him in my highest regard.
Lawrence J. Rybka, JD, CFP
President and CEO, Second-generation Owner, ValMark Financial Group
I highly recommend Jeff Holler as a speaker and presenter. We have had him address our group twice with excellent results and very positive feedback. Jeff brings an inspiring and transformative message and relates particularly well to entrepreneurs. His work with business owners first in the U.S. and now across the world brings an exciting message about how God can honor those who run their business according to biblical principles.
Kirk Klein, CFP®, ChFC®
Managing Partner, Koss Olinger
Jeff is one of the brightest, most energetic, and passionate people that I know. I was one of a very large group of people moved by a presentation that he gave in Orlando about his charity work in Rwanda. He always exudes confidence and enthusiasm and has a special way of drawing in the audience. Most importantly, Jeff’s integrity and value system are second to none.
Heidi Morgan
Board Member, Arise Rwanda Ministries
Whether Jeff Holler is in front of a small group or an auditorium full of people, he is able to capture everyone’s attention and interest immediately. His warm, laid back, and authentic style is both inviting and authoritative. It is easy to see that when Jeff speaks, people want and choose to lean in and listen. Not long ago at a large conference in Orlando, FL, it was a joy to personally witness the impact of one of Jeff’s presentations on his experiences and personal involvement in Rwanda. He was speaking to a very large and influential crowd of sophisticated and successful business people like himself. He spoke with heartfelt passion, authority, and firsthand knowledge about a person and an organization that had deeply impacted his own life. He challenged the audience to think about ways they could get out of their own comfort zones and step into a life-altering paradigm change themselves. In short, not only did Jeff receive thunderous applause and appreciation...many in the audience are now personally involved in supporting and even traveling to Rwanda. Knowing Jeff and having the privilege to serve alongside of him in areas of shared interest and passion has been a great personal honor. Inviting him to speak and present at an event is a guaranteed win for all in attendance!
David H. Fisher
Managing Director, Fulcrum Partners
My wife and I have known Jeff for some time and have seen him speak to a very large group of colleagues regarding a charitable effort in which we are both involved. We find Jeff to be of high character, a great communicator and speaker, and encourage anyone to have Jeff speak to their group. Jeff and his efforts have helped to change our lives.
David S. McKechnie, CLU®
Founder and CEO, Beauport Financial
Jeff is not only a gifted speaker, but his compelling talk about Arise Rwanda Ministries has propelled Elaine and I to action with this ministry. Jeff’s gift to us that evening has changed our lives forever.
Rick Bowles
Multi-Area Director, North Texas Fellowship of Christian Athletes
I was privileged to host Jeff Holler as a speaker for the North Texas Fellowship of Christian Athletes Executive Board Vision Retreat. Jeff used this time to highlight 10 key areas of his book, Bigger Than Business. His presentation was articulate, inspiring and creative in a way that made you want to go pick the book up and read it. Better yet, from my point of view, was when my board members came to me and thanked me for having him share. That was the win for me.